
You're hearing more about robots and unmanned systems in the news and on social media everyday as modern society begins to harness the potential of robotic solutions to our greatest challenges. At the Ritchie School, we've made ourselves a part of that effort, with active research in topics ranging from companion robots to radar techniques on unmanned vehicles and more. Now is a great time to study and work alongside our faculty as they work to refine their research and increase their impact on this thrilling and vital field.

Key Faculty

circuit board mini cars

DU Unmanned Systems Research Institute

The DU Unmanned Systems Research Institute (DU2SRI) was established in November of 2012 to promote knowledge, education, research and development in unmanned systems. The Institute works to advance state-of-the-art unmanned systems while making contributions to higher education that benefit students, scientists, researchers, engineers, practitioners and end-users. The vision of the Institute is to collaborate with Spaceport Colorado and to play a key role in the State’s efforts to push forward the frontiers of unmanned systems. This work has the potential to result in innovations key to building the next generation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) that will be gradually integrated into the National Airspace

Check Out the DU2SRI Website

​How can robots help Alzheimer's patients? Check out Dr. Mohammad Mahoor's Ryan robot who is improving the quality of life for elders in our community.


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