Research Project Listing Explore the diverse slate of projects our students and faculty are working on right now. Displaying 1 to 2 of 2 Research Projects Filter Research Interest - Any -Affective ComputingAortic BioprosthesesAortic Valve ReplacementArthroplastyArtificial IntelligenceArtificial Neural NetworksAutism Robot AssistAutism TherapyBio-prostheticsBiomechanicsBiomedical SignalsBioprosthesesBone MorphologyCadaveric KneesCardiac OutputComputer VisionCybersecurityDeep Brain StimulationDigital Image CorrelationEthnicityGenderGrand ChallengesHeart ValvesHip ArthroplastyHumanoid RobotsImplant AlignmentInternet of ThingsJoint MechanicsKinematicsKneeLeaflet ThrombosisLeafletsMaterial CharacterizationMatlabMuscle ForceMusculoskeletalMusculoskeletal ModelingNeural NetworksNon-InvasiveOpenSimOsteoarthritisParkinson's DiseaseParticle Image VelocimetryPattern RecognitionProbabilistic ModelingProximal HumerusRoboticsSituational AwarenessSocial RobotsStatistical Shape ModelSurgical Aortic ValvesThrombosisTotal Knee ReplacementTranscatheter Aortic Valve ImplantationTranscatheter Aortic Valve ReplacementTranscatheter Aortic Valve-in-ValveTranscatheter Aortic ValvesTranscatheter ValvesUnmanned AircraftUnmanned SystemsValve-in-ValveViV Thrombosis Research Type - Any -Art/Photography/Human ExpressionBasic SciencesBiologyBusiness and Economic ImpactsChemistryClimate ChangeClinicalCommunityComputersEcologyEducationEnergyEngineeringEnvironmentFuture TechnologyHistoryInternational RelationsInternational StudiesLawMathematicsMedicinePhysicsPoliticsPsychologyPublic HealthReligious StudiesResearch Showcase 2021Research Showcase 2022Research Showcase 2023Research Showcase 2024Social Interactions in SocietySocial JusticeSocial MovementsStatistical Faculty Member Unit - Any -Academic ResourcesAlumni EngagementAnthropologyArt HistoryBusiness Resource CenterCenter for Orthopaedic BiomechanicsCenter for Religion and Public LifeEnrollment ServicesFinancial Aid AdvisorGraduate and Undergraduate Programs in Public PolicyHigh Performance Computing ClusterInline Computer ScienceInline Data ScienceInline Electrical and Computer EngineeringInline Mechanical and Materials EngineeringInternational Admission CounselorLeadershipMachine ShopMotion Capture LabMt. Evans Field StationMultimedia ServicesMuseum of AnthropologyOffice of Global EngagementOsher Lifelong Learning InstituteRitchie CenterRocky Mountain Jewish Historical SocietySEED Research CenterSpecial ProgramsSpirituals ProjectSurvivor Advocacy ServicesThe CUB ClinicTrauma & Disaster Recovery ClinicUnmanned Systems Research InstituteVeterans Advocacy ProjectWeiss Vascular BioengineeringAcademic AdvisingAccessibilityAdmission CounselorArchives and Special CollectionsAsian StudiesBonfils-Stanton Music LibraryCardiac Biomechanics LaboratoryCareer CenterCenter for Effective InterventionsCenter for the Study of Electronic CommerceChemistry & BiochemistryConservationCounseling ServicesDouglas and Mary Scrivner Institute of Public PolicyE-STEMGivingHumane GamesInstitute for Public Policy StudiesInstitutional PartnershipsMarsico Institute for Early LearningMolecular & Cellular BiophysicsProfessional Psychology ClinicProject ManagersSocial Justice Education (SJE)SSR-RCThe Sturm CenterTransfer Admission CounselorTribal Wills ProjectVice Provost for Research and Graduate EducationBiological SciencesBiomaterials and Testing LaboratoryBookstoreCenter for Career and Academic DevelopmentCenter for Community Engagement to Advance Scholarship and Learning (CCESL)Continuing Education (GSSW)Department of Electrical & Computer EngineeringFinancial AidFisher Early Learning CenterGame LabGlobalizationInstitute for the Development of Gifted EducationLearning Effectiveness Program (LEP)Maintenance Physical PlantMeyer-Womble ObservatoryMotherwise Partnership ClinicNew Start ClinicOffice of Teaching and LearningRenewable Energy LabStudioThe Center for AdvocacyUndergraduate AdmissionAll Undergraduate Student AssociationBiofluids LaboratoryBusiness and Financial AffairsButler Institute for FamiliesCenter for Oncology Psychology ExcellenceColorado Research Institute for Security and PrivacyColorado Women's College Leadership Scholars (CWC)Denver Forensic Institute for Research, Service and TrainingDepartment of Computer ScienceGeography & the EnvironmentGroundsInstitute for Human-Animal ConnectionLow Income Taxpayer ClinicOffice of Research and Sponsored ProgramsSchool of AccountancyAerosol Research GroupCarl M. Williams Institute for Ethics and ValuesColorado Resilience CollaborativeCustodial ServicesDean's OfficeDepartment of Mechanical & Materials EngineeringEleanor Roosevelt InstituteInnovation LabsLaw StarsMathematicsRifkin Center for Student ServicesStudent Disability ServicesThe Bridge ProjectUnix LabAdministrative OfficesAerosol LaboratoryApplied Research & Technology InstituteCenter for Judaic StudiesCenter for Religious ServicesClinicsHonors ProgramInstitute for Philanthropy & Social EnterpriseKnoebel Institute for Healthy AgingLearning Communities & Civic EngagementReiman School of FinanceStudent Outreach & SupportThe Center for Housing and Homelessness ResearchAcoustic Emission LaboratoryCenter for Performance ExcellenceCenter for Retired University PersonnelCommunication StudiesCultural CenterEnvironmental ScienceHealth & Counseling CenterImmigration Law and Policy ClinicOffice of Communications and MarketingSociety of Women EngineersCenter for Teaching International RelationsCritical Race & Ethnic StudiesEngine Dyno LaboratoryGraduate Legal StudiesGraduate Student Association CouncilNetwork ManagementRicks Center for Gifted ChildrenCenter for Travel and TourismComputational Biomechanics LaboratoryEnvironmental Law ClinicGender and Women's StudiesMBA@DenverPhysics & AstronomyPioneer ID Card OfficeComposite LaboratoryDiversity OfficeFraternity & Sorority LifeInternational Institute for Environment and EnterpriseBusiness Information and AnalyticsChamberlin ObservatoryDenver Law ReviewDenver University Programs BoardFinite Element Modeling LaboratoryHistoryRitchie School of Engineering and Computer Science - ClonedCenter for Service Learning and Civic EngagementChester M. Alter ArboretumDenver Journal of International Law and PolicyEconomicsHumanities InstituteInnovation and EntrepreneurshipRobotics LaboratoryCenter for World Languages and Cultures (CWLC)Dean's ReportEmergent Digital PracticesGraduate Academic ServicesHousing & Residential EducationIntercultural Global StudiesPanhellenic CouncilScanning Electron Microscopy LaboratoryCriminal Defense ClinicEnglish & Literary ArtsFritz Knoebel School of Hospitality ManagementJohn Madden Center for Innovation in the Liberal and Creative ArtsProbabilistic Mechanics LaboratorySubway RestaurantCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesCommunity Economic Development ClinicFranklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction ManagementHuman Dynamics LaboratoryParent RelationsWriting ProgramCollege of Law Honor BoardCollege of Natural Sciences and MathematicsConflict Engagement & Resolution InitiativeExecutive MBANSF Industry and University Cooperative Research Center for Novel High Voltage/Temperature MaterialsController's OfficeExecutive and Professional MBA ProgramsNano/Bio Engineering-Teaching LaboratoryStudent Activities & LeadershipCivil Rights ClinicConference and Event ServicesEntrepreneurshipNano/Bio Engineering-Research LaboratoryPioneers CareCivil Litigation ClinicDepartment of Campus SafetyEducational TechnologyMultiscale Computational LaboratoryBarton Institute for Philanthropy and Social EnterpriseDepartment of Statistics and Operations TechnologyDiversity and Equal OpportunityMechanical Engineering Testing LaboratoryDepartment of MarketingDiversity SummitLamont School of MusicMechanical Engineering LaboratoryDepartment of ManagementDivision of Athletics and RecreationLanguages, Literatures & CulturesMaterials Science LaboratoryDepartment of Business Ethics and Legal StudiesDivision of Marketing & CommunicationsManufacturing/Machining LaboratoryMedia, Film & Journalism StudiesDaniels Career ServicesEnglish Language CenterManufacturing/Integration LaboratoryEnrollmentNewman Center for the Performing ArtsSutts Center for Career ServicesEnterprise Risk ManagementPhilosophyEnvironmental Health & SafetyPolitical ScienceFacilities ManagementPsychologyFaculty SenatePublishing InstituteGraduate Program in TaxationReligious StudiesSchool of Art and Art HistoryWestminster Law LibrarySocio-Legal StudiesHerDUSociology and CriminologyHERSSpanish Language, Literary & Cultural StudiesHuman ResourcesTheatreGraduate School of Professional PsychologyIliff School of TheologyUrban StudiesGraduate School of Social WorkInformation TechnologyInstitute for the Advancement of the American Legal SystemDaniels College of BusinessInstitute of GerontologyIntellectual Property & EventsInclusive PedagogyIntellectual Property & Technology TransferInternal AuditKynewisbok YearbookLatino Leadership InstituteInterdisciplinary Research Institute for the Study of (in)EqualityMail ServicesJosef Korbel School of International StudiesNational Law Enforcement & Corrections Technology CenterOffice of Academic AssessmentOffice of General CounselOffice of Global DevelopmentOffice of Graduate EducationOffice of Institutional Research & AnalysisMorgridge College of EducationOffice of InternationalizationOffice of Student EmploymentOffice of the BursarOffice of the ChancellorOffice of the Chancellor EmeritusOffice of the PresidentOffice of the ProvostOffice of the RegistrarOmbuds OfficeParking and Mobility ServicePhipps Memorial Conference CenterProject X-ITEPurchasing ServicesQuick Copy CenterRecords ManagementRecycling ServicesShipping & Receiving WarehouseSodexo DIning ServicesStaff Advisory CouncilStrategic Issues ProgramStudent Organization AccountsStudy of Religion (DU/Iliff Joint PhD Program)Sustainability CentersTransportation CenterTravel Agency (Navigant International)Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer ScienceUniversity ArchitectUniversity CollegeUniversity EventsUniversity Financial ServicesStudent AffairsUniversity of Denver MagazineVIP Partnership ProgramWhite House ProjectSturm College of LawWomen's ClubWomen's FoundationWriting CenterTransportation & Supply Chain InstituteUniversity AdvancementUniversity LibrariesUniversity of DenverLiving & Learning Communities (LLC)Undergraduate Research Center Effect of Reduced Cardiac Output on Blood Stasis on Transcatheter Aortic Valve Leaflets Effect of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Size and Position on Valve-in-Valve Hemodynamics: An in Vitro Study Displaying 1 to 2 of 2 Research Projects Filter Research Interest - Any -Affective ComputingAortic BioprosthesesAortic Valve ReplacementArthroplastyArtificial IntelligenceArtificial Neural NetworksAutism Robot AssistAutism TherapyBio-prostheticsBiomechanicsBiomedical SignalsBioprosthesesBone MorphologyCadaveric KneesCardiac OutputComputer VisionCybersecurityDeep Brain StimulationDigital Image CorrelationEthnicityGenderGrand ChallengesHeart ValvesHip ArthroplastyHumanoid RobotsImplant AlignmentInternet of ThingsJoint MechanicsKinematicsKneeLeaflet ThrombosisLeafletsMaterial CharacterizationMatlabMuscle ForceMusculoskeletalMusculoskeletal ModelingNeural NetworksNon-InvasiveOpenSimOsteoarthritisParkinson's DiseaseParticle Image VelocimetryPattern RecognitionProbabilistic ModelingProximal HumerusRoboticsSituational AwarenessSocial RobotsStatistical Shape ModelSurgical Aortic ValvesThrombosisTotal Knee ReplacementTranscatheter Aortic Valve ImplantationTranscatheter Aortic Valve ReplacementTranscatheter Aortic Valve-in-ValveTranscatheter Aortic ValvesTranscatheter ValvesUnmanned AircraftUnmanned SystemsValve-in-ValveViV Thrombosis Research Type - Any -Art/Photography/Human ExpressionBasic SciencesBiologyBusiness and Economic ImpactsChemistryClimate ChangeClinicalCommunityComputersEcologyEducationEnergyEngineeringEnvironmentFuture TechnologyHistoryInternational RelationsInternational StudiesLawMathematicsMedicinePhysicsPoliticsPsychologyPublic HealthReligious StudiesResearch Showcase 2021Research Showcase 2022Research Showcase 2023Research Showcase 2024Social Interactions in SocietySocial JusticeSocial MovementsStatistical Unit - Any -Academic ResourcesAlumni EngagementAnthropologyArt HistoryBusiness Resource CenterCenter for Orthopaedic BiomechanicsCenter for Religion and Public LifeEnrollment ServicesFinancial Aid AdvisorGraduate and Undergraduate Programs in Public PolicyHigh Performance Computing ClusterInline Computer ScienceInline Data ScienceInline Electrical and Computer EngineeringInline Mechanical and Materials EngineeringInternational Admission CounselorLeadershipMachine ShopMotion Capture LabMt. Evans Field StationMultimedia ServicesMuseum of AnthropologyOffice of Global EngagementOsher Lifelong Learning InstituteRitchie CenterRocky Mountain Jewish Historical SocietySEED Research CenterSpecial ProgramsSpirituals ProjectSurvivor Advocacy ServicesThe CUB ClinicTrauma & Disaster Recovery ClinicUnmanned Systems Research InstituteVeterans Advocacy ProjectWeiss Vascular BioengineeringAcademic AdvisingAccessibilityAdmission CounselorArchives and Special CollectionsAsian StudiesBonfils-Stanton Music LibraryCardiac Biomechanics LaboratoryCareer CenterCenter for Effective InterventionsCenter for the Study of Electronic CommerceChemistry & BiochemistryConservationCounseling ServicesDouglas and Mary Scrivner Institute of Public PolicyE-STEMGivingHumane GamesInstitute for Public Policy StudiesInstitutional PartnershipsMarsico Institute for Early LearningMolecular & Cellular BiophysicsProfessional Psychology ClinicProject ManagersSocial Justice Education (SJE)SSR-RCThe Sturm CenterTransfer Admission CounselorTribal Wills ProjectVice Provost for Research and Graduate EducationBiological SciencesBiomaterials and Testing LaboratoryBookstoreCenter for Career and Academic DevelopmentCenter for Community Engagement to Advance Scholarship and Learning (CCESL)Continuing Education (GSSW)Department of Electrical & Computer EngineeringFinancial AidFisher Early Learning CenterGame LabGlobalizationInstitute for the Development of Gifted EducationLearning Effectiveness Program (LEP)Maintenance Physical PlantMeyer-Womble ObservatoryMotherwise Partnership ClinicNew Start ClinicOffice of Teaching and LearningRenewable Energy LabStudioThe Center for AdvocacyUndergraduate AdmissionAll Undergraduate Student AssociationBiofluids LaboratoryBusiness and Financial AffairsButler Institute for FamiliesCenter for Oncology Psychology ExcellenceColorado Research Institute for Security and PrivacyColorado Women's College Leadership Scholars (CWC)Denver Forensic Institute for Research, Service and TrainingDepartment of Computer ScienceGeography & the EnvironmentGroundsInstitute for Human-Animal ConnectionLow Income Taxpayer ClinicOffice of Research and Sponsored ProgramsSchool of AccountancyAerosol Research GroupCarl M. Williams Institute for Ethics and ValuesColorado Resilience CollaborativeCustodial ServicesDean's OfficeDepartment of Mechanical & Materials EngineeringEleanor Roosevelt InstituteInnovation LabsLaw StarsMathematicsRifkin Center for Student ServicesStudent Disability ServicesThe Bridge ProjectUnix LabAdministrative OfficesAerosol LaboratoryApplied Research & Technology InstituteCenter for Judaic StudiesCenter for Religious ServicesClinicsHonors ProgramInstitute for Philanthropy & Social EnterpriseKnoebel Institute for Healthy AgingLearning Communities & Civic EngagementReiman School of FinanceStudent Outreach & SupportThe Center for Housing and Homelessness ResearchAcoustic Emission LaboratoryCenter for Performance ExcellenceCenter for Retired University PersonnelCommunication StudiesCultural CenterEnvironmental ScienceHealth & Counseling CenterImmigration Law and Policy ClinicOffice of Communications and MarketingSociety of Women EngineersCenter for Teaching International RelationsCritical Race & Ethnic StudiesEngine Dyno LaboratoryGraduate Legal StudiesGraduate Student Association CouncilNetwork ManagementRicks Center for Gifted ChildrenCenter for Travel and TourismComputational Biomechanics LaboratoryEnvironmental Law ClinicGender and Women's StudiesMBA@DenverPhysics & AstronomyPioneer ID Card OfficeComposite LaboratoryDiversity OfficeFraternity & Sorority LifeInternational Institute for Environment and EnterpriseBusiness Information and AnalyticsChamberlin ObservatoryDenver Law ReviewDenver University Programs BoardFinite Element Modeling LaboratoryHistoryRitchie School of Engineering and Computer Science - ClonedCenter for Service Learning and Civic EngagementChester M. Alter ArboretumDenver Journal of International Law and PolicyEconomicsHumanities InstituteInnovation and EntrepreneurshipRobotics LaboratoryCenter for World Languages and Cultures (CWLC)Dean's ReportEmergent Digital PracticesGraduate Academic ServicesHousing & Residential EducationIntercultural Global StudiesPanhellenic CouncilScanning Electron Microscopy LaboratoryCriminal Defense ClinicEnglish & Literary ArtsFritz Knoebel School of Hospitality ManagementJohn Madden Center for Innovation in the Liberal and Creative ArtsProbabilistic Mechanics LaboratorySubway RestaurantCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesCommunity Economic Development ClinicFranklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction ManagementHuman Dynamics LaboratoryParent RelationsWriting ProgramCollege of Law Honor BoardCollege of Natural Sciences and MathematicsConflict Engagement & Resolution InitiativeExecutive MBANSF Industry and University Cooperative Research Center for Novel High Voltage/Temperature MaterialsController's OfficeExecutive and Professional MBA ProgramsNano/Bio Engineering-Teaching LaboratoryStudent Activities & LeadershipCivil Rights ClinicConference and Event ServicesEntrepreneurshipNano/Bio Engineering-Research LaboratoryPioneers CareCivil Litigation ClinicDepartment of Campus SafetyEducational TechnologyMultiscale Computational LaboratoryBarton Institute for Philanthropy and Social EnterpriseDepartment of Statistics and Operations TechnologyDiversity and Equal OpportunityMechanical Engineering Testing LaboratoryDepartment of MarketingDiversity SummitLamont School of MusicMechanical Engineering LaboratoryDepartment of ManagementDivision of Athletics and RecreationLanguages, Literatures & CulturesMaterials Science LaboratoryDepartment of Business Ethics and Legal StudiesDivision of Marketing & CommunicationsManufacturing/Machining LaboratoryMedia, Film & Journalism StudiesDaniels Career ServicesEnglish Language CenterManufacturing/Integration LaboratoryEnrollmentNewman Center for the Performing ArtsSutts Center for Career ServicesEnterprise Risk ManagementPhilosophyEnvironmental Health & SafetyPolitical ScienceFacilities ManagementPsychologyFaculty SenatePublishing InstituteGraduate Program in TaxationReligious StudiesSchool of Art and Art HistoryWestminster Law LibrarySocio-Legal StudiesHerDUSociology and CriminologyHERSSpanish Language, Literary & Cultural StudiesHuman ResourcesTheatreGraduate School of Professional PsychologyIliff School of TheologyUrban StudiesGraduate School of Social WorkInformation TechnologyInstitute for the Advancement of the American Legal SystemDaniels College of BusinessInstitute of GerontologyIntellectual Property & EventsInclusive PedagogyIntellectual Property & Technology TransferInternal AuditKynewisbok YearbookLatino Leadership InstituteInterdisciplinary Research Institute for the Study of (in)EqualityMail ServicesJosef Korbel School of International StudiesNational Law Enforcement & Corrections Technology CenterOffice of Academic AssessmentOffice of General CounselOffice of Global DevelopmentOffice of Graduate EducationOffice of Institutional Research & AnalysisMorgridge College of EducationOffice of InternationalizationOffice of Student EmploymentOffice of the BursarOffice of the ChancellorOffice of the Chancellor EmeritusOffice of the PresidentOffice of the ProvostOffice of the RegistrarOmbuds OfficeParking and Mobility ServicePhipps Memorial Conference CenterProject X-ITEPurchasing ServicesQuick Copy CenterRecords ManagementRecycling ServicesShipping & Receiving WarehouseSodexo DIning ServicesStaff Advisory CouncilStrategic Issues ProgramStudent Organization AccountsStudy of Religion (DU/Iliff Joint PhD Program)Sustainability CentersTransportation CenterTravel Agency (Navigant International)Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer ScienceUniversity ArchitectUniversity CollegeUniversity EventsUniversity Financial ServicesStudent AffairsUniversity of Denver MagazineVIP Partnership ProgramWhite House ProjectSturm College of LawWomen's ClubWomen's FoundationWriting CenterTransportation & Supply Chain InstituteUniversity AdvancementUniversity LibrariesUniversity of DenverLiving & Learning Communities (LLC)Undergraduate Research Center Faculty Member View all Effect of Reduced Cardiac Output on Blood Stasis on Transcatheter Aortic Valve Leaflets Effect of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Size and Position on Valve-in-Valve Hemodynamics: An in Vitro Study
Effect of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Size and Position on Valve-in-Valve Hemodynamics: An in Vitro Study
Effect of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Size and Position on Valve-in-Valve Hemodynamics: An in Vitro Study