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Ritchie School of Engineering & Computer Science Alumni Spotlight: Kapil Desai - Data Science (Video)

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Ritchie School Communications Team

Video Interview with Data Science Master's Degree Alumni Kapil Desai

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We recently chatted with Ritchie School of Engineering & Computer Science alumni, Kapil Desai. We discussed his background and his Data Science and Engineering internship at Regeneron.

"When I started, [I did not have an idea] about Data Science and different possibilities - how the data is handled, how it is stored, how different models can be built, and how it can be used for real practical industry experiences. But after attending courses I am confident that I can make use of various machine learning algorithms, and deep learning models to optimize processes, increase efficiency, and reduce human errors."

Thank you, Kapil Desai, for sharing your insights and experiences!

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