DU Dungeons and Dragons Club
Along with classes, jobs, and hanging out via Zoom with friends or family, student clubs are among the many aspects of student life that takes place online in the age of COVID-19. Founded in 2015, the University of Denver Dungeons and Dragons club (DUDAD) swiftly shifted into an online format last spring.
Members reported that the transition online was simple for their club and has not diminished any aspects of the overall experience and enjoyment. Executive Board Member, Chelsie Fincher said “we give club announcements via YouTube, rely more heavily on email, and hold game sessions via online conferencing software like Zoom and Discord.” As the largest weekly meeting club on campus, it’s impressive they never missed a meeting during the transition online. A member of a little over two years, Nicholas Bascone said they experienced some technical difficulties at the beginning, but these were quickly resolved.

“We give club announcements via YouTube, rely more heavily on email, and hold game sessions via online conferencing software like Zoom and Discord,” -Chelsie Fincher, Executive Board Member
The club has already recruited many new members this school year through CrimsonConnect. Fincher said the online format actually helped in making the club more accessible to a wider group of people around campus this year. “I think new members picked up on our members’ enthusiasm for the club and our determination to keep DUDAD an active, strong community,” Fincher said. As their website boasts and as members have said, students have found many of their closest friends through DUDAD, making it a great place for first-year students to make connections.
Fincher first heard of the club through her Freshman resident advisor (RA), “in my first quarter at DU I hardly engaged with the community. I felt very alone and dissatisfied with my college experience. I observed a game one night and was surprised at how enthusiastically I was greeted by the players. DUDAD connected me to people…that made me feel welcome and worthwhile. They became my support network through college.”
In the same vein, Bascone praised, “my favorite aspects of this club are its community and supportive vibes. It’s allowed me to have a creative outlet during my otherwise stressful quarter.”
The club meets weekly on Friday nights from 7:00PM to Midnight over Zoom. If you are interested in joining or learning more, you can visit their website or find them on CrimsonConnect.