Maciej Kumosa
Retired Professor
John Evans Professor; National Science Foundation Industry-University Cooperative Research Center for Novel High Voltage/Temperature Materials and Structures, Center Director
Professional Biography
Research Interests
- Physical Properties, Life Prediction, and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials and Structures for Extreme Applications including High Voltage (HV), High Temperature (HT), High Strain (HS), combined HVTS, and other Extreme Functions
Teaching Interests
Introductory/Advanced Composite Materials, General Materials Science, Nanotechnology for Engineers, Mechanics of Materials, Finite Element Method, Machine Design, Fracture Mechanics, Mechanical Behavior of Solids, Stress Analysis of Structures, and others
- Primary School number 1, 1968, Slupca, Poland.
- Marshal Jozef Pilsudski High School, 1972, Slupca, Poland.
- BS/MS and Ph.D., Applied Mechanics and Materials Science, Tech. University of Wroclaw, 1978 and 1982, Poland.
Current Employment
- John Evans Professor of the University of Denver, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Denver, 2390 South York Street, Denver, Colorado 80208, tel: (303) 871-3807, fax: (303) 871-4450; mkumosa@du.edu
- Center Director, National Science Foundation Industry-University Cooperative Research Center for Novel High Voltage/Temperature Materials and Structures, https://erc-assoc.org/content/novel-high-voltagetemperature-materials-and-structures, https://www.linkedin.com/in/maciej-kumosa-b8659216/
Academic Honors
- John Evans Professor, the highest recognition at the University of Denver (DU) for outstanding research or other creative, scholarly achievement, April 2006.
- Best Scholar Award of the School of Eng. and Computer Science, DU, December 2004.
- Distinguished Teaching Award, Oregon Graduate Institute (OGI), Portland, OR, 1992-93
General Interests
Piano; Gardening; Bicycle; Mountain Living; Investment; Fly Fishing; Photography and Painting; World Literature, History, and Politics; and others.
Previous Positions
- August 1981 - August 1983
Senior Research Assistant
Institute of Materials Science and Applied Mechanics, Technical University of Wroclaw
Wroclaw, Wyb. Wyspianskiego 27, Poland
- January 1981 - March 1981
Visiting Scientist
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California - Los Angeles
- August 1983 - January 1985
Assistant Professor
Department of Materials Science and Applied Mechanics, Technical University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Wyb. Wyspianskiego 27, Poland
- January 1984 - December 1984
Visiting Research Fellow
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Liverpool
Liverpool, England
- December 1984 - March 1990
Senior Research Associate
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
- October 15 - November 15, 1994
Visiting Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Paderborn
Paderborn 33095, Germany
- May 1, 1990 - September 1, 1998
Associate Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, OGI, Portland, Oregon.
- April 1996 – September 1997, Research Professor
September 1997- September 1999, Associate Professor
September 1999-present, Full Professor with tenure, since 2006, John Evans Professor
Department of Engineering, University of Denver
Denver, Colorado
- Between April 1996 and September 1998 Dr. Kumosa had a dual appointment both at DU and OGI.
- September 15, 2006 - September 14, 2009
Guest Professor of Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, China
Administrative Duties
Chair, Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) Department at DU, between September 1, 2007- November 1, 2009; first Chair, built the department, stepped down in 2009 to concentrate on research and to manage the Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering (see below).
Director, Center for Advanced Materials and Structures, between 1996 and 2007, built the Center jointly with Drs. P. Predecki and S. Carpenter, internationally recognized through composite research for NSF, AFOSR, EPRI, NASA, DoE, and several major US industries.
Director, Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, 2007-2012, built the "Nano- Center" involving seven DU departments/units engaging appr. 25 faculty. Elected in 2007 for two years, and unanimously re-elected in 2009 for two more years.
Overall Center Director, National Science Foundation Industry-University Cooperative Research Center for Novel High Voltage/Temperature Materials and Structures, also called the "HVT Center”. please see below.
Ph.D. Graduated Students (21)
1. Jun Ding, Structure-Property Relationship of Advanced High-Temperature Materials, Ph.D., October 1994, OGI (hired after graduation by Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR).
2. Shiliang Ding, Mixed Mode Failure Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Composite Systems using the Modified Iosipescu Test Method, Ph.D., March 1995, OGI (hired after graduation by Bradcom, San Diego, CA)
3. Qiong Qiu, Brittle Fracture Mechanisms of Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polymer Insulators, Ph.D., September 1995, OGI (hired by Komatsu Silicon America, Hillsboro, OR).
4. Anurag Bansal, Finite Element Simulation and Mechanical Characterization of Composite Insulators, Ph.D., November 1995, OGI (hired by Altera Corporation, presently senior manager at Applied Materials).
5. Gregory M. Odegard, Shear-Dominated Biaxial Failure Analysis of Polymer-Matrix Composites at Room and Elevated Temperatures, Ph.D., Department of Engineering, University of Denver, June 2000 (hired by NASA Langley)
6. Kevin Searles, The Elastic and Inelastic Behavior of Woven Graphite Fabric Reinforced Polyimide Composites, Ph.D., OGI, October 2000 (hired by Exxon-Mobile Corporation – Upstream Research, Kingwood, TX).
7. Bart Benedikt, Analysis of Residual Stresses in Graphite Fiber/PMR-15 Composites, Ph.D., May 2003 (hired by Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM).
8. Mark Gentz, Mechanical Response of Graphite/polyimide Composites at Elevated Temperatures, Ph.D., Department of Engineering, University of Denver, August 2004, completed (hired by ATK, Utah).
9. Peter Rupnowski, Multiscale Stress and Damage Initiation Analyses of Graphite Fiber/Polyimide Composites, Ph.D., Department of Engineering, University of Denver, May 2005, completed (hired by NREL, Golden Colorado).
10. Brian Burks, The Effect of Atmospheric Aging on a Hybrid Polymer Matrix Composites’ Material Properties, Ph.D. thesis in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, completed in May 2012 (hired by NIST in Boulder).
11. Zachary Loftus, Electron Beam Direct Manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V for Space Applications, Ph.D.; University of Denver and Lockheed Martin Corporation, completed in October 2013 (Lockheed Martin Technical Fellow since 2015).
12. James Middleton, Aging of a Polymer Core Composite Conductor under Combined Ozone and Temperature Conditions, Ph.D. in Materials Science, DU, completed in July 2014.
13. Joseph Hoffman, On Thermal Aging Prevention in Polymer Core Composite Conductor Rods, Ph.D. in Nanoscale Science and Engineering, DU, completed in Sept. 2015.
14. Eva Hakansson, Galvanic Corrosion of Aluminum/Carbon Composite Systems, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, DU, completed in June 2016.
15. Monika Bleszynski, Nanoengineering of Next Generation Silicone Rubber Materials for Extreme Applications, Ph.D. in Mat Sci, MME Dept, DU, completed in June 28, 2018.
16. Tianyi Lu, Synergistic Aging of GRP Composites, Ph.D. in Mat Sci, MME Dept., DU, completed in Dec. 2018
17. Chrissy Henderson, Protection of High-Voltage Transformer Bushings and other Brittle Structures Against Impact, Ph.D. in Eng., completed in Sep 2019.
18. Daniel Waters; Monitoring of Polymer Core Composite Conductors under Excessive Mechanical Loads using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, completed in Oct 2021.
19. Sabuj Khadka, Monitoring of Residual Stresses in Extreme Environment Materials Using FBG Sensors, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, to be defended on Feb 18, 2022.
20. Jide William, The Modernization of Large Power Transformer Tanks
Ph.D. in Materials Science, completed in May and graduated in June 2023.
21. Billy Grell, Fatigue and Fracture of Electron Beam Melting Ti-6Al-4V
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, completed on July 7, 2023.
Master Graduate Students (20)
1. Natarajan Sukumar, Finite Element Analysis of Mixed-Mode Fracture and Failure in Iosipescu Specimens, MS in Materials Science, Oregon Graduate Institute, October 1992.
2. Ibrahim Erdinc, Singular Stress Fields at Interfaces and Sharp Notches, M.S. in Materials Science, July 1992, Oregon Graduate Institute and University of Paderborn, Germany.
3. Andreas Schubert, Comprehensive Numerical and Experimental Studies of Internal Stresses in Composite (GRP) Substation Insulators, M.S. in Materials Science, October 1994, OGI and University of Paderborn, Germany.
4. M. V. Balakrishnan, Application of the Biaxial Iosipescu Test Fixture for the Mechanical Characterization of Unidirectional Composites, M.S. in Materials Science, September 1995, OGI.
5. Yong Zhao, An Electrical Study of the Brittle Fracture Failure of Composite Insulators, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Denver, November 1997.
6. Yongyu Han, Finite Element Analyses of Advanced Composite Structures, MS in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Denver, November 1997.
8. Gregory M. Odegard, Biaxial Failure Investigation of Polymer Matrix Composites, M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Department of Engineering, University of Denver, July 1998.
9. Joe Stowe, Material Property Predictions of Polymers Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Ms in ME, MME Dep., DU, completed in May 2008.
10. Brian Burks, Short-Term Failure Analysis of Aluminum Conducting Composite Core Transmission Lines, MS in ME, MME Dep., DU, completed in July 2009.
11. Rebekah Kovarik, An Experimental Study of Optical Adhesive Bonds Subjected to Thermal Cyclic Environments, MME Dep., DU, University of Denver, completed in August 2010.
12 Bruce Allen, New Open Source Software for Building Molecular Dynamics Systems, MS thesis in Materials Science, MME Dep., DU, completed in May 2012.
13. Eva Hakansson, Galvanic Corrosion of High-Temperature Low Sag (HTLS) Conductors: New Materials - New Challenges, MME Dep., DU, completed in May 2013.
14. James Kosak. Stress Corrosion Cracking in Polymer Matrix Glass Fiber Composites. MS Thesis in Mechanical Engineering, MME Dep., DU, completed in May 2014.
15. Tianyi Lv, Degradation of High Voltage Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites by Aggressive Environmental Conditions, MS in Materials Science, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, DU, completed in July 2014.
16. Monika Bleszynski, Aging Assessment of High Voltage Single Component Room Temperature Vulcanized Silicone Rubber (RTV-1) Subjected to Aqueous Salt, MS in Engineering, MME Dep., DU, completed Dec 9, 2015.
17. Daniel Waters, Low-Velocity Impact to High-Temperature Low-Sag Overhead Conductors, MS in Mechanical Engineering, MME Dep., DU, completed in Feb 2016.
18. Edward Clark, Variable Oxidation & Defects in Ti-6Al-4V Material in Electron Beam Melting Additive Manufacturing, MME Dep., DU, completed in March 2017.
19. Robert Woll, Ice Adhesion Analysis of Severely Aged PDMS Rubbers; MS in Materials Science, MME Dept. , DU, completed in June 2018.
20. Matt Reil, Graphene/Oxide Interactions with Polymer Networks Modeled using Molecular Dynamics, MS in Materials Science, MME Dep., DU, completed in September 2020.
PhD Graduate Students; Full and Partial Co-Advising (3 and 2)
1. Barnes J. A, Torsion Testing of Filament Wound Composite Cylinders, Ph.D., 1986, the University of Cambridge (with D. Hull; M. Kumosa provided full-time academic advising).
2. Broughton W. R., Shear Properties of Unidirectional Carbon-Fibre Composites,
Ph.D., November 1989, the University of Cambridge (with D. Hull; M. Kumosa provided full-time academic advising).
3. Huang Xue-Ning, Mode I and Mode II Intralaminar Fracture of Unidirectional Composites, Ph.D., October 1990, the University of Cambridge (with D. Hull; M. Kumosa provided full-time academic advising).
4. Tom Ely, Depth Profiling Residual Stresses in Thin Tungsten Films Using X-ray Diffraction, Ph.D., August 1999, the University of Denver (with P. K. Predecki; M. Kumosa provided part-time financial and academic support).
5. Danut Dragoi, Residual Stress Analysis of Graphite/Polyimide Composites using the Concept of the Metallic Inclusions, Ph.D., June 1999, Department of Engineering, the University of Denver (with P.K. Predecki; M. Kumosa provided major financial support and part-time academic advising).
Memberships on Editorial Boards
1. Composites Science and Technology (#1 int. j. in composites; Impact Factor 9.9), since 2001; extended until 2025
2. Structural Durability & Health Monitoring (http://www.techscience.com/sdhm/)
3. Fibers (http://www.mdpi.com/journal/fibers)
Total Competitive Research Funding between 1990 and 2023
Approximately $9.0M (both federal grants and private/federal contracts), including:
Federal Grants: $2.750 M (5 NSF and 5 AFOSR grants, all with MK as PI) Private/Federal Contracts: $4.88M (including multiple BPA, WAPA, NASA Glenn individual contracts and HVT memberships)Average per Year: ~ $285k in 32 years
A. 150 published in international journals including:
35 papers in Composites Science and Technology (#1 in composites)
23 in major IEEE journals (Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Transactions on Power Delivery, Insulation Magazine, Transactions on Reliability, and Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement)
73 papers in other composites, physics, materials science, mechanics, general science, and other journals
11 journal papers not listed under Web of Science; for example, Acoustic Emission (1982), Additive Manufacturing (2017), CIGRE journal (2016), Polish Technical Journals, and othersOther papers in press (1), submitted (2) and to be submitted (4)
B. 60 papers at international conferences,
C. 9 articles in major engineering magazines, and others
D. 50 plus large industrial and scientific reports, including two EPRI final, published reports ($25k per copy)
E. HVT Center annual federal reports to NSF- 9
F. HVT semi-annual and annual industrial members - 100 plus
4930 citations according to Google Scholar; h-index 41 and i-index 102
National Science Foundation Industry-University Cooperative Research Center for Novel High Voltage/Temperature Materials and Structures (HVT Center)
University Members- 4
1. University of Denver; Dr. M. Kumosa, overall Center Director since 2014
2. University of Illinois at Urbana -Champaign; Dr. Iwona Jasiuk and Dr. Martin Ostoja-Starzewski, site directors, between 2014 and 2022
3. Michigan Technological University; Dr. Greg Odegard, site director, between 2014 and 2022
4. University of Connecticut, Dr. Yang Cao, site director since 2016
Graduated Students - 42 Ph.D. and 15 MS
Published Journal Papers - 201 plus
Total funding since inception on March 15, 2014
$3.61 M in cash in private and federal fees (plus at least $1M in-kind)
$1.65M in NSF supporting grants
$11-12M in various leverage funds
Industries (21) supporting HVT from 2014 to the present -21
ABB, Boeing, Bonneville Power Administration, BP, CTC Global, Composites Technology Development, DOE Headquarters; Electricity Office, Eversource, G&W, General Cable, General Electric, John Crane, Marmon Engineered Wire & Cable, Lockheed Martin Space Systems, New York Power Authority, Prysmian Group, Southwire, Tri-State Transmission and Distribution, USi, US Bureau of Reclamation, Western Area Power Administration.
(Most are large multibillion-dollar corporations).
Research Goals and Objectives of HVT Center (between 2014 and the present)
The I/UCRC for Novel High Voltage/Temperature Materials and Structures (“HVT Center”) works jointly with the electric utility, aerospace, nuclear, military, environmental, automotive, health, and other industries with need of novel HV/T materials and structures. The objectives of the Center are (1) Design of novel and evaluation of existing HV/T energy transmission/transfer multifunctional materials for next-generation composite conductors, insulators, underground cables, towers, and other electric power transmission structures; (2) Design and development of novel advanced high energy transfer materials for aerospace, oil/gas, automotive, and other industrial applications; (3) Failure prediction and prevention of HV/T materials and structures under in-service conditions through state-of-the-art multi-scale modeling and material performance evaluations; (4) Development of new failure monitoring techniques and material repair methods in HV/T materials under laboratory conditions and their subsequent transfer to in-service inspection and repair.
The HVT Center has a diverse and interdisciplinary educational, research, and business environment for (1) undergraduate and graduate students, including those from underrepresented groups, funded by the research projects of the Center; (2) faculty members from a variety of disciplines, including junior faculty, starting their academic careers; (3) utility, aerospace and national lab engineers and designers developing various types of HV/T materials and structures; and (4) utility managers supervising HV transmission lines across the country. The Center enhances the reputation of U.S. HV/T manufacturing around the world and, in particular, improves the level of confidence among the potential users of novel HV/T structures. The center targets long-term benefits to infrastructure, manufacturing, energy transport and efficiency of the electric grid, and the durability of other HV/T and high energy transfer structures.
Current Project Portfolio since May 16, 2018, with three no-cost extensions by NSF until March 1, 2022
Research Area 1. Multiscale Design and Development of Novel HVT Materials
1.2 Aluminum Alloys for High Conductivity and Strength (MTU)
1.3 Aging Resistant RTV Silicone Rubbers and their Nanocomposites (DU)
1.5 Development of Durable Icephobic Barriers (DU)
1.6 HVDC/MVDC Cabling: Electronic Structure of Polyolefin (UConn)
1.7 HVDC/MVDC Cabling – Space Charge Dynamics (UConn)
Research Area 2. Advanced Manufacturing of HVT Materials
2.2 High Temperature/Voltage Polymers and Nanocomposite (UIUC)
2.5 Titanium (Ti) Intermetallics, Ti Alloys, and Superalloys for Extreme HT Aerospace,
Automotive and other Applications (DU)
Research Area 3. Environmental Degradation of HVT Materials and Structures
3.4 In-Situ Sensing of Manufacturing and Aging of HVT Polymer Matrix Composites (DU)
3.5 Recycling Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite Materials (DU)
Research Area 4. Damage Prevention of HVT Materials and Structures
4.2 Prevention of High-Velocity Impact Damage to Substations (DU)
4.4 HVDC Grid Hardening against Geomagnetic Disturbance (UConn)
4.5 Discharge Resistant Materials for Circuit Breaker (UConn)
Research Area 5. Monitoring and Diagnosis of HVT Structures/Equipment
5.1 Applications of FBG Sensors in HVT Materials and Structures (DU)
5.5 Vibration of HVT Cable Structures (UIUC)
5.6 Photo-acoustic Based Dissolved Gas Analysis (UConn)
5.7 HT FBG Sensors for Temperature and Strain Sensing Applications (DU)
5.8 Remote Sensing of HVT Structures Using Hyperspectral Imaging (DU
Research Area 6. Major New Ventures
6.1 Modernization of the Large Power Transformer Tanks; approved by the Board in August 2019 (DU)