IMPACT for Community and Alums

Impact for Community and Alums

du pollinators

DU Pollinators Club - Bat Housing Build

To address the declining Bat population, the Innovation Labs partnered with the DU Pollinators Club to bring a team of students together to build housing for bats around campus.  “Bats are important insect eaters, and bat boxes are one way to help combat their population decline" said Julie Morris Teaching Professor, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Biological Sciences
Faculty Advisor to the DU Pollinators Club

Read more HERE

girls with gadgets workshop

Girls with Gadgets - Middle School Stem Workshops

Girls with Gadgets is an annual event where middle school girls spend a day exploring innovation through STEM based activities.  Sponsored by the Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science, the free event is supported by student, faculty, and staff volunteers of the Innovation Labs and Engineering and Computer Science

denver zoo bat

Denver Zoo Bat Environment.

The Innovation Labs partnered with the Denver Zoo to design, fabricate, and implement an environmental system to improve quality of life for the Denver Zoo bat population.  Innovation Labs students used many different technologies available in the Innovation Labs to successfully complete this project.  

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