Once accepted into the program, you'll dive into a rigorous course of study that blends theoretical instruction with hands-on projects, equipping you with expertise in areas such as machine learning, predictive modeling, and deep learning.
To apply to the program, you will need the following:
Submit a resume via the application status page listing your current employer(s) and professional experiences.
A regionally accredited baccalaureate degree is required for admission. You may submit an unofficial transcript with your initial application. Upon acceptance, you will need to have one official transcript from each college or university. This includes transcripts for credit earned for transfer work and study abroad. Official electronic transcripts can be sent to gradinfo@du.edu through a secure third party. Official transcripts may also be sent via postal mail in an unopened envelope that has been sealed by the issuing university.
Official transcripts can be sent to:
Ritchie School of Engineering & Computer Science University of Denver Attn: Admissions 2155 E. Wesley Ave. Denver, CO 80210
Recommendation Letters
Two (2) letters of recommendation are required but three (3) are preferred. Letters should be submitted by recommenders through the online application.
Personal Statement
A personal statement of at least 300 words is required.
Go to the graduate admission application to submit your information. For information on admission requirements, visit the graduate academic programs page and locate your program of interest.